Offers of the association

Dates for 2024

18.06., 18.07. and 22.08.2024

Online – Experience with Don Francisco and Don Ricardo Apaza Flores from Peru>

Do you know that too? Are you repeatedly confronted with the same issues or problems or do you react against your better judgment, even though you know and feel that you shouldn’t do this, but you can’t stop? Then take the first step to see and recognize yourself and your life from a different perspective and, if you are ready, to release the heaviness that is weighing you down. The powerful healers and brothers Don Francisco and Don Ricarda Apaza Flores, also known as Paqos, from the Peruvian Andes, offer you ways to discover your own power, to let go of heaviness and to connect with your own connection between earth and heaven. The first of a total of 3 online dates will take place on 18.06.2024 from 19.00-21.00. The two will introduce themselves, their work as Paqos and their projects and give you an insight into the mysticism of the Andean tradition. Participation in the first meeting is on a voluntary basis. Have they piqued your interest……SAFE THE DATES: There will be another event on Monday, 18.07.2024 (also from 19.00-21.00) . We experience a despacho ceremony. A wonderful ceremony for letting go and receiving). Further information will follow closer to the date. Sponsorship fee: 35 € On Thursday, 22.08.2024 (19.00-21.00) the two of them will conduct an Ayni-Karpay with you. A powerful initiation that serves as a reinforcement of the despacho on this date. We will also go into this in more detail in due course. Sponsorship contribution: € 35 The traditional Pachamama festival takes place in Peru at the beginning of August. It is the festival to celebrate Mother Earth, to pay homage to her, to thank her. A festival to celebrate Ayni (exchange) with Mother Earth. Don Francisco and Don Ricardo will invite you directly from Peru to participate online. Date 1. or August 2, 2024, details will be announced in good time.

From Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9-week online women’s circle with Vilma Pinedo Sanchez

We start on June 19 with the power of time around the summer solstice. The topic of this women’s circle is Ukhu Pacha. We want to strengthen our connection to Mother Earth and our ancestors. By healing this connection, we can allow our roots to spread even deeper and wider so that they can nourish us optimally. The wisdom that Vilma Pinedo (Hampeq/shaman from the Andes of Peru) imparts is immediately applicable and should encourage you to step into your own power. Weekly online meetings via Zoom: Wednesday, 19.30 to approx. 20.30/21 h Costs: € 200 (to be paid directly to Vilma) plus: € 150 organization fee to Kuychichaka (for association members only € 100)

The event highlight of the year:

We are very happy, what a gift!


Inca visit from Peru at the Ammersee

with Don Francisco Apaza Flores and his brother Don Ricardo Apaza Flores We are delighted that the brothers Don Francisco Apaza Flores and Don Ricarda Apaza Flores from the Andes of Peru have found their way to us at the Ammersee. The two are internationally sought-after healers of the Qeros nation, culturally recognized as direct descendants of the Incas; Don Francisco and Don Ricardo are the sons of Don Martin Apaza Flores and come from a long line of healers. The ancient tradition of the Incas holds a deep wisdom that teaches us to establish healing connections with nature and at the same time to gain an overview of our own lives and current events. The special thing about the tradition is the simplicity of the practice, in order to find one’s own strength, wisdom and balance/healing. In this 3-day retreat, Don Francisco and Don Ricardo will bring us closer to the cosmovision of the Qeros, whose simplicity, sincerity and beauty are unique. They introduce us to the basic principles of their tradition and explain in a vivid way how to work with the ancient wisdom that we can use in our modern lives. Through ritual offerings – Haywarikhuy (also called Despacho), energetic cleansing, burdensome energies and issues are released. In this way, we create free space to draw into our lives what we want and what suits us. Let us surprise you! The granting of the Ayni-Karpay, a powerful initiation, enables us to enter our very own path strengthened, to experience more clarity, balance and authenticity in our lives and to bring this into the flow of our lives.


During the 3 days we will get to know our teachers and their backgrounds, they will introduce us to the mysticism of the Andean tradition. The program also includes despachos with different intentions, for Pachamama and for us as a group, but also for opening our hearts to Mother Earth, our fellow human beings and ourselves. There will be cleansing ceremonies and initiations, we will work with Mama Qocha (Mother Sea), this will be held for each participant. In addition, the teachers of the Andes are attuned to the energy of the group, to what the group needs. You will know which doctrine we will be open to.

Seminar fee:

570 € for members of the Kuychichaka association, please pay on booking 570 € for non-association members on booking and payment by 21.02.2024 620 € from 22.02.2024, payment on booking.


AMA LUX Seminarhaus, Insel 2a, 86923 Finning, September 20-22, 2024 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. – short breaks between lessons and a lunch break approx. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. are included. We hope to spend a lot of time in nature, so please dress accordingly and take precautions. Participants: maximum 20 participants. Language: -ketschua and Spanish are spoken and translated from Spanish into German.


The seminar house offers 9 beds in 3 rooms and 1 loft. I have reserved the rooms up to 4 weeks before the start of the seminar. When registering for the seminar, please contact me for the rooms. You can get an overview of the seminar house at The “Zum Staudenwirt” inn and an Air B&B house are in the immediate vicinity. In addition to the seminar room, we have also rented the kitchen of the seminar house. Each participant can prepare breakfast and dinner there, please without much cooking effort. External sleeping participants are asked to pay 15 € per day for the use of the kitchen in the morning and evening. At lunchtime, we are provided with a vegetarian meal by a caterer. The menu choice and price will be announced soon. When booking, please indicate whether you would like to take advantage of this offer.


Participants who are guests in the seminar house can park in the courtyard to unload. We ask all participants to park in the village (Dorfanger, Raiffeisenweg), please do not park on Findingstraße, so that agriculture is not blocked. The nearest train station is in Schondorf, which is 7 km away from Finning.

The Qero store is open!

Don Francisco and Don Ricardo will bring along woven items from Peru. The sale is in cash, with the proceeds going directly to the two.

Time for personal and private sessions with our teachers:

On 23. and on September 24th you can book private sessions for healings, initiations or coca readings (with laurel leaves) of 1 hour with us. If you are interested, please enquire and book directly at”. The location will be announced later. Flyer for download

Saturday, 08.11.2024

Cocoa ceremony with Andrea

It’s getting darker and colder outside again, a good opportunity to get in touch with Mama Cacao. May she help us to nurture our light and warmth in our hearts and let it shine even more. For ourselves and for everyone else. You don’t need any experience or previous knowledge for the cocoa ceremony. Come exactly as you are! If you have any questions, please contact us in advance by e-mail. By the way: you don’t have to drink cocoa to connect with the spirit of Mama Cacao and let her open the doors to your heart. A cup of tea in our common circle is also welcome 😉 A few days before our meeting you will receive an invitation e-mail with all the information and instructions.
I am looking forward to our circle and being together with you and Mama Cacao! Date: Saturday, 08.11.2024, 16-19 o’clock Place: Zur Alten Burg 22, 91085 Weisendorf (Middle Franconia, near Erlangen/Herzogenaurach) Costs: Free for club members Non-members pay € 40,-

Past events

Saturday 20.07.2024

Summer festival with sweat lodge ceremony

The sweat lodge represents the womb of Mother Earth and the ceremony in it is for prayer, purification, renewal, healing and transformation through the four winds east – south – west – north and the two polarities of heaven and earth, which, like fire and water, represent the masculine and feminine principles. The essence of this ceremony is the union of male and female energy so that something new can emerge. The sweat lodge stands for the feminine, which is “fertilized” by the masculine power of the fire, the water, affectionately referred to as grandmother by the Natives in America, unites with the hot stones, which in turn are referred to as grandfathers, after each prayer to carry it, with the steam, upwards to our Creator. All these unions of male and female archetypes “beget” new energies and possibilities that can grow in the participants of the ceremony. “The beauty of the circle is that we can’t see each other’s backs and the power of the circle is that we can only see the beauty of each other.” Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq In the sweat lodge we sit in a circle, in darkness, confinement and heat, the glowing stones in the middle. We pray, sing and grow beyond ourselves. Change, healing, realization and development arise in each individual…and in the world we live in… Date: 20.07.2024 Location: Gahbergstrasse 30, 4852 Weyregg, Austria Costs: none, exclusively for association members


The Cave of Revelation and the seven churches

Hatun Karpay in Greece and Asia MinorwithJuan & Ivan Nuñez del Prado Visiting the roots: The Cave of Revelation and the seven churches. A journey to our soul! A natural dialog between our being and life. Hatun Karpay means “The Great Initiation” and is a set of practices in the Andean tradition as preserved by the Paqos in Peru. We invite you to your most important journey! Date: 27.06.-03.07.2024 Program GermanProgramEnglishProgramSpanish

Wednesday 24.04.2024 Thursday 09.05.2024

Online cocoa ceremony with Vilma Pinedo from Peru

A cocoa ceremony at full moon with the Peruvian Hampeq (shamanic healer) Vilma Pinedo Sanchez. You prepare the cocoa yourself before the ceremony and then let Vilma and Mama Cacao guide you deeper into the heart-opening experience of a cocoa ceremony. The full moon, Mama Qilla, will deepen this experience. You do not need to have any previous experience to take part in this event. However, there are a few things to bear in mind with ceremonial raw cocoa. If this is your first time with cocoa and you have never prepared it before, please contact us in advance at and we will help you with any questions you may have. Dates: Wednesday 24.04.2024, 19.30 or Thursday 09.05.2024, 19.30 Costs: For the ceremony you pay 20 Euro directly to Vilma and 15 Euro to the association (for members only 10 Euro for the association).
Before the ceremony, we will send you the link with which you can participate online via Zoom. Registration: Please send your registration to

Saturday 20.04.2024 – Postponed due to weather conditions. A new date will be announced in good time.

Sensual hiking with Ricarda

It is always very special when healers or shamans visit us and we share a wonderful time together. But what comes next? Do we give the experience space in our everyday lives? In order to bring our Kuychichaka community closer together and to practice together, I invite you to an adventure hiking day near my home. We will exchange ideas, exercise and enjoy nature, all under “Pachamama’s guidance”, i.e. we will use Mother Nature to consciously connect with her with all our senses and experience the treasures she has in store for us. Please pack appropriate clothing for the weather, a seat, a snack and something to drink. There is a nice restaurant there, but it only opens when the weather is good. I look forward to you and our time together! Date: 20.04.2024, 11 am Location: Parking lot Windachspeicher Stauseestraße 10, 86923 Finning Costs: free of charge for club members, for interested participants 25 € sponsorship contribution for the club fund

You can view the conditions of participation for our events here. Conditions of Participation German
Condiciones de ParticipaciónConditionsof Participation

Overview of dates 2024

as of June 19, 2024

Online women’s circle

Online seminar series (9x) with Vilma Pinedo Sanchez Host is Andrea Schorr

18.06., 18.07. u. 22.08.2024

3-part online experience

with Don Francisco and Don Ricardo Apaza Flores from Peru


Inca visit to the Ammersee

with Don Francisco Apaza Flores and his brother Don Ricardo Apaza Flores 21./22.09.2024

Personal sessions

with the two Qero healers from Peru


Cocoa ceremony

with Andrea, near Herzogenaurach


Find out all the latest news about our association and subscribe to our newsletter.

Past events

Read more here the report from Adrian, one of the participants in our last seminar series.

You can download the event flyer here:

Qimsa Pacha- The Ancestors of the Three Worlds | Kuychichaka


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