The team

Ricarda Schenkel

Ricarda Schenkel

I have been on the path of alternative healing methods since the mid-90s. As a naturopath, it is important to me to trace the origins of contemporary therapeutic methods back to their source.

This is how I came into contact with the shamanism of Central and North America in 1998.

A Cheyenne medicine man advised me to make my way to Peru. I would find healing and my destiny there.

There are no coincidences! Shortly afterwards, I met the first Paqos in Munich in 2014.

Paqos, also known as Hampeq, are priest healers of the Andean tradition. A wonderful start to the mysticism of the Andes!

Seminars in Europe and several study trips to Peru have allowed me to immerse myself deeply in this extensive tradition. Over the years, a trusting relationship developed with some Paqos and Hampeq.

Since then, my life has taken a positive turn, both professionally and privately.

Being an active part of the K’uychichaka association to invite the living sources of indigenous wisdom to Europe for you fits in perfectly.

Volker Truckenthanner

Volker Truckenthanner

I have been working in the healthcare sector for over 30 years. My journey led me to self-employment as a qualified nurse in an anesthesiology intensive care unit, through training as a Shiatsu practitioner, Yiquoan teacher and many further training courses in traditional Chinese medicine.

On this path, I also got to know and apply the Greenlandic shamanic tradition, among others, but above all the Andean traditions of Peru, which I was taught by various teachers, paqos and healers; above all Vilma Pinedo, with whom I have maintained a very intensive and wonderful connection since 2021.

All this knowledge and skill now floods my life and flows into my therapeutic practice as well as into the implementation and organization of relevant seminars on these topics.

Andrea Schorr

Andrea Schorr

I am fascinated by the essence. Every spiritual tradition has a core that coincides with all other traditions. In my life, the wisdom of traditions is woven into a tapestry: yoga, Ayurveda, tantra and the mysticism of the Andes gradually came into my life. To complement each other and clear the way to my inner wisdom.

I would like to thank my teachers (especially Vilma Pinedo) from the bottom of my heart for accompanying me and enabling me to have experiences from which I can grow. They give me their inspiration and I am delighted to pass it on. And my heartfelt thanks to all the beings that life puts in my path, to learn from and with them, to love them, to be challenged by them, to be pushed beyond my limits.

May Kuychichaka help to meet more of these wonderful beings to grow together.

Katrin Bartels

Katrin Bartels

Energy work came into my life in my mid-20s, a time when everything was going well on the outside, but I still felt empty on the inside and often lonely even in the company of my nearest and dearest.
After deciding that I couldn’t go on like this, “chance” very quickly led me to the healing tradition of the Andes, which has accompanied me ever since and turned my life inside out.
For me, it means balance and, above all, balancing my masculine and feminine parts. A harmony that I lacked for a very long time and that I now incorporate into my everyday life as a manager out of deep conviction.
In shamanic practice I was trained and initiated by Alberto Villodo in the “Four Winds Society”. In 2022, I had the great good fortune to meet the Peruvian Hampeq Vilma Pinedo, to whom I have felt very close ever since.
I am very excited to be involved with K’uychichaka and to combine two of my favorite topics – the healing tradition of the Andes and my soul language Spanish, which I learned “by chance” as a teenager in the Andes of Ecuador
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